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  • Apple sued by DOJ over alleged iPhone anticompetitive monopolistic practices

Apple sued by DOJ over alleged iPhone anticompetitive monopolistic practices

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Top stories today:

  1. Apple sued by DOJ over alleged iPhone anticompetitive practices
  2. Reddit stock +48% on 1st trading day, closes at $8B market cap
  3. Weight-loss drug sales reach $21B in 2023, $15B in U.S.

0. Data and calendar

All values as of 6 AM ET / 3 AM PT, other than S&P500 and NASDAQ close (4 PM ET / 1 PM PT).

All times are ET.

1. Apple sued by DOJ over alleged iPhone anticompetitive practices

  • Apple has a 65%+ market share in the U.S. for premium smartphones, the suit says.

    • But only ~20% globally, we should note.

  • 5 claims of suppression: super apps, cloud streaming apps, messaging apps (blue vs. green checks), digital wallets, and smartphone cross-platform compatibility.

  • Apple has a history of winning antitrust cases: in 2014, it won a class-action over iPod-iTunes tying, and as of 2024, it won most claims in Epic's suit against it.

  • Stock closed -4% on the news, after being -1% in the pre-market on speculation of the lawsuit.

2. Reddit stock +48% on 1st trading day, closes at $8B market cap

  • $748M was raised for the company and shareholders.

  • 4th largest U.S. IPO in 2024.

Advance Publications’s stake is now worth $2.1B, from an initial $10M purchase price (and additional investments estimated at $10M’s)

Read more: Bloomberg.

  • Join nearly 5 Million others on BetterHelp, the world's largest professional therapy platform done online.

  • Getting started is easy: take the quiz and get matched to a licensed therapist that fits your needs and preferences in as little as 48 hours. Then, schedule your first session via video, phone or live chat. 

  • The best part: no more driving to and from appointments or getting on a waitlist. Switch therapists or cancel anytime. 


4. Weight-loss drug sales reach $21B in 2023, with $15B coming from U.S.

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