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  • Apple's revenue +2% YoY to $119.6B in Q4, as Europe, iPhone, Services lead growth

Apple's revenue +2% YoY to $119.6B in Q4, as Europe, iPhone, Services lead growth

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Top stories today:

  1. Apple's revenue only +2% YoY to $119.6B in Q4
  2. Amazon's revenue +14% to $170B, with operating income +4.8x
  3. Meta's revenue +25% to $40.1B, as Reality Labs continue losses
  4. Google ImageFX, text-to-image AI model, released to public
  5. Google Maps gets generative AI features

0. Data and calendar

All values as of 6 AM ET / 3 AM PT, other than S&P500 and NASDAQ close (4 PM ET / 1 PM PT).

All times are ET.

1. Apple's revenue +2% YoY to $119.6B in Q4, as Europe, iPhone, Services lead growth

Net income was +13% to $33.9B, with net margin expanding to 28%:

Revenue growth was small at 2%, coming after 4 quarters of negative growth

Greater China and the iPad saw large drops in sales

In 2023, the iPhone represented 50% of global smartphone sales, with its average selling price reaching $890

Our view: Apple's current products have been plateauing in revenue, so what's next for growth?

Some potential ideas:

  • iPhone growing in new emerging markets such as India and Africa.

  • Vision Pro outperforming its low sales targets (500K units in 2024).

  • This often happens organically: A few enthusiasts within an organization will turn to public-facing AI services to find ways to increase their own productivity, then bring those insights to their employer.

  • Data supports this — a recent study from Deloitte found that off-the-shelf tools are the primary way businesses are deploying AI, and a survey from The Conference Board shows employees often begin using AI tools even before their company has an official AI policy.

  • MindStudio is a tool that enables anyone to start building AI apps in a single afternoon. Connect AIs cross-departmentally, use any models, and integrate current tech stack without using any code.


3. Amazon's revenue +14% to $170B, with operating income +4.8x to $13.2B

Operating income growth was led by North America, which is finally seeing profits after 30 years of ~0% margins

Bezos's long-term vision is paying off:

Read more: CNBC.

Amazon also announced Rufus, its AI chatbot for mobile

Read more: Techcrunch.

4. Meta's revenue +25% to $40.1B, as operational efficiency masked Reality Labs’s continued losses

Revenue growth was spread across all regions:

Family of Apps had a record operating income of $21.0B, while Reality Labs had a record -$4.6B result

5. Google ImageFX, text-to-image AI model, released to public

It appears to be of similar quality to OpenAI's DALL-E 3, but we await formal tests:

Google ImageFX vs ChatGPT 4, which uses DALL-E 3.

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