Why the Bay Area Times hires remotely

Why the Bay Area Times hires remotely

Today, weā€™re taking a deep dive into why Bay Area Times has embraced remote hiring. Recently, Bill Kerr, founder and CEO at Athyna ā€” our hiring partner ā€” interviewed us to reflect on our experience hiring remotely for the first time. Hereā€™s how itā€™s transformed our business and what weā€™ve learned along the way.

Why did Bay Area Times decide to transition to a remote hiring model?

It was simple: hiring remotely gave us access to cheaper yet higher-quality talent, all while offering more flexibility in our hiring strategy. We needed that flexibility to grow without boundaries, and hiring remotely has been the perfect solution for that.

How does hiring remotely align with Bay Area Times' long-term goals and vision?

Running a media company is a complex business, but since transitioning to remote, itā€™s been smoother than ever. We're no longer spread too thin trying to multitask across different areas. Instead, we're set up for high revenue and steady growth. Remote work allows us to focus on scaling efficiently.

What has been your experience finding talent in remote markets compared to local hiring?

Honestly, itā€™s been a game-changer. We initially tried other services, like Shepherd, but it wasnā€™t quite working for us. Athyna, though, has made it easy to bring in top-tier talent. Our two core employeesā€”a sales manager and a writerā€”both came through Athyna, and we couldn't be happier with their performance.

How we feel Athyna compares to its competitors

Has hiring remotely had a significant impact on your cost structure?

Absolutely. Hiring remotely has allowed us to save significantly, especially when compared to hiring talent in the U.S. Without compromising on the quality of talent, weā€™ve reduced costs considerably.

šŸ’” Hiring in Latin America has proven to be highly cost-effective for Bay Area Times. In fact, companies hiring in Latin American markets can save up to 80% on compensation compared to U.S. hires, without sacrificing quality of life for the talent. This allows businesses to maximize their budgets while attracting top-tier professionals.

How do you balance cost savings with maintaining high standards for talent?

We hold everyone to the same high standards, regardless of location. Just because we're hiring outside of the U.S. doesn't mean we lower our expectations.

With Athyna, you can get super high-quality employees with working hours that overlap with your main office

šŸ’” Emerging tech hubs in Latin American cities like SĆ£o Paulo, Buenos Aires, and Mexico City are producing highly skilled professionals. Bay Area Times has tapped into this pool through Athyna, gaining access to talent thatā€™s trained within mature tech ecosystems. The region is home to a growing number of highly skilled professionals who bring experience from global companies like Amazon, Meta, and Uber, as well as local giants like Mercado Libre and Nubank.

How has your overall experience with remote hires been so far?

We'd rate it a solid 4.9 out of 5. Itā€™s been a great experience overall, and any small hiccups have been easy to resolve with good communication.

How do you ensure cultural fit when hiring remote employees?

In the early stages, we have daily calls, and once theyā€™re settled in, we transition to weekly check-ins. We use Slack for daily messaging, and we make sure weā€™re always available for quick chats or calls. This open communication ensures a strong cultural alignment.

What strategies have you implemented to maintain a strong company culture with a remote team?

It comes down to honest, daily conversations. Thereā€™s no substitute for staying connected and keeping the lines of communication open.

What were some unexpected challenges you encountered when transitioning to remote hiring?

Weā€™d say one challenge is that, especially at the beginning of someoneā€™s career or in a new role, being in-person would help with faster integration. But weā€™ve found ways to bridge that gap remotely.

How do you see the future of remote work evolving, especially in media and publishing?

In our view, everything that can be done remotely will be done remotely. Media and publishing are no exceptions.

What advice would you give to other media companies considering a move to remote hiring?

Start small. Try with one or two employees, see how it works for you, and if it feels right, then go all in. Remote hiring is a muscle you build over time.

šŸ’” One of the key advantages of hiring in Latin America is the cultural fit. Professionals in this region often operate in similar time zones to the U.S., with significant workday overlap (up to 6 hours or more). The English proficiency and shared work culture make it easier for remote teams to integrate smoothly, ensuring seamless collaboration across borders.

Our experience with remote hiring has been overwhelmingly positive, offering cost savings, access to high-quality global talent, and the flexibility to grow. With the right partner, like Athyna, remote hiring can empower businesses to scale without the challenges of local competition and high costs. By fostering strong communication and ensuring cultural fit, remote teams can thrive just as well as in-person ones.

If you want to learn more about Athyna, especially how they can help your company, click here to receive more information.


*Sponsored by Athyna. We have equity in the company.

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